


外国经典 Nancy Stair A Novel

作者:Elinor Macartney Lane 字数:8.8万字


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Nancy Stair is a Biographical book. Nancy as a poet; the heart of the matter with him being to commend her English verses, as well as those in " gude braid Scot". With these accounts to be secured so easily it may seem presumptuous, as well as superfluous, for me to undertake a third. I state at the outset, therefore, that it is beyond my ambition and my abilities to add a word to stories told so well. Nor do I purpose to mention either the work on the bum or Nancy's song-making, save when necessary for clearness. For me, however, the life of Nancy Stair has a far deeper significance than that set forth by either of these gifted authors. My knowledge of her was naturally of the most intimate; I watched her grow from a wonderful child into a wonderful woman; and saw her, with a man's education, none but men for friends, and no counselings save from her own heart, solve most wisely for the race the problem put to every woman of gift; and with sweetest reasoning and no bitter renouncings enter the kingdom of great womanhood.





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