


外国经典 In the Rocky Mountains

作者:William Henry Giles Kingston 字数:7.5万字


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We were most of us seated round a blazing fire of pine logs, which crackled away merrily, sending the sparks about in all directions, at the no small risk of setting fire to garments of a lighter texture than ours. Although the flowers were blooming on the hill-sides, in the woods and valleys, and by the margins of the streams humming-birds were flitting about gathering their dainty food and the bears, having finished the operation of licking their paws, had come out in search of more substantial fare and the buffalo had been seen migrating to the north, -the wind at night blew keenly from off the snow-capped mountain-tops which, at no great distance, rose above us, and rendered a fire acceptable even to us hardy backwoodsmen.




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