


考试学习 爱玛:EMMA(英文原版)

作者:简·奥斯汀 字数:19.2万字 出版社:天津人民出版社


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《爱玛:EMMA(英文原版)》,英国女作家简·奥斯汀较有影响的长篇小说,《爱玛》创作于1815年,是奥斯汀作品中艺术上、思想上最成熟的一部。主人公爱玛是个美丽、聪慧而富有的姑娘,同时也是一位不折不扣的幻想家。她热心关注身边的浪漫故事,却又固执地认为自己永远不会陷入其中。她自作主张为孤女哈丽埃特导演了一次又一次的恋爱。当哈丽埃特误以为自己爱上了地方官奈特利先生时,爱玛才惊觉原来自己也在爱着奈特利先生。这虽与她一开始就宣布的终身不嫁的誓言有悖,但坠入情网的她不得不放弃自己天真的誓言。《爱玛》该作品多次被搬上银幕。《爱玛》本书为英文原版,同时提供配套英文朗读免费下载(下载地址见图书封底二维码),让读者在阅读精彩故事的同时,亦能提升英文阅读水平。Emma is a novel published in 1815 and written by English author Jane Austen. It was the last of Austen’s books to be published before the author died at the age of 41. While Pride and Prejudice is her most famous novel, many critics argue that Emma is Austen’s best. This is the story of Emma Woodhouse, a young, witty and wealthy woman who takes an interest in matchmaking and instead makes a mess. It is a comedy of manners that allows the reader to gain a deep understanding of Ms. Woodhouse and her world.Though today Jane Austen is said to be one of the greatest English authors of all time, she was not recognized as such during her life. Most of her novels were published anonymously until after her death in 1817. Emma has been republished many times and adapted into plays, miniseries and films.Jane Austen’s novels have been continuously in print since 1833. She is the only author that all students in England, Wales and Northern Ireland are required to study.

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